Destiny Parc Foundation ⋆ Destiny Park
Destiny Park is a project about social accountability. Our mission, values and vision have at their core the future of our children. Their education and training stand for the very essence of Destiny Park project. We aim at helping our children learn not only that they are good specialists or good artists, but that they should first of all be good people. Accountable, moral and sensitive to the other people’s needs.

And we believe that the best way we can help them is by setting ourselves as an example. We do our best to make the community we live in a better place. We strive to help those in need. Especially children.

In our town here in Destiny Park all children are equal. Disabled children benefit from our special and additional care. They are welcome to all activities and there are also some specific facilities ready for them at all times. Also, all of our employees and collaborators are equal too, regardless of their personal details. We hereby foster the employment of disabled individuals on those positions where they find themselves comfortable to perform.

Outside our town, in the real world we get involved in a series of charity works for underprivileged children. We initiate our own philanthropic actions where we also get our partners involved. We encourage volunteering work and promote the same among our visitors, both parents and children alike.

We support and promote good practices in terms of environmental protection both inside Destiny Park and outside the latter. We initiate a series of projects for children’s and young people’s becoming more and more responsible in terms of the actual need to protect the environment we live in.

By our activity outside Destiny Park, we do our best to give a good example to children whom we invite to visit Destiny Park to learn how to be wise and kind through a bunch of hand-on experiences.

Ambassadors Destiny Park



