Destiny Park Trophy ⋆ Destiny Park

Destiny Park Trophy

Destiny Park Trophy is dedicated to classes that come to Destiny with Scoala altfel or Saptamana verde programs.

The Destiny Park Trophy for civics and involvement rewards those classes of children who, at the end of their visit to Destiny Park, donate at least 500 MagicBani to the causes supported by the Destiny Park Foundation, i.e. to bring children from underprivileged areas to our park.

Each class that visits us and completes park activities can receive a Participation Trophy.

What they have to do:

  • 1. To come to Destiny Park in an organized school group
  • 2. Collect at least 500 MagicBani (the currency of the park that they use to pay or get paid)
  • 3. To announce that they want to donate that money and receive the Trophy

Important note: MagicBanii raised in this way turns into free tickets for children in need (sick children or children from disadvantaged backgrounds).

    Adult = 14+

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