MagicBank ⋆ Destiny Park


Banca Transilvania

All children who come to Destiny Park first go to the bank to cash in the 50 MagicBani or 100 MagicBani check received upon entering the city. Little visitors also get valuable tips about how money works both in the world of Destiny Park and in the real world; learn to save them, multiply them, but also use them to enjoy fun activities.

They can also role play bankers and work for 15 minutes in our Bank premises.

Financial impact: Client: – // Bank employee: +5 MagicCoins
Age: Client: +3 years old// Bank employee: +8 years old
Values being learnt: intelligence, wisdom, accountability, honesty, integrity.
Skills duly acquired: communication skills, attention to details, mathematical skills, results – focus orientation, analytical thinking.



